Laners d.o.o. is a logistic service provider created as a result of years of experience and professional advancement on logistics market. We are 100 % privately owned company situated in Velika Gorica, registered 2008. at court in Zagreb. We are present both on international and domestic logistic market.
Our values include: reliability, responsibility, winning spirit, flexibility and continuous care for our clients needs.

We are dedicated to giving optimal services to every client on domestic and international market.

With our knowledge, experience and willingness to learn we offer optimal logistic solutions that meet the urgency, cost-efficiency and safety requirements set by each client.


Our mission is to continually provide our clients with extra value through tailor made logistic solutions. We will continue to improve and permanently invest in innovative and modern logistic solutions enabling our clients freedom to focus on their core business.


Continuous growth and development, providing top quality service with maximum sensitivity to our client’s needs.


Address: Slavka Kolara 72, HR – 10410 Velika Gorica
Tel: 01 5617 601
Tel: 01 6223 855
Tel: 01 6223 810
Fax: 01 6223 881
Cell: 091 6171 270
Cell: 091 180 1535
Cell: 091 180 1537
E-mail: laneris@laneris.hr
E-mail: transport@laneris.hr